Nimble News 2 November 2022
Budget 2022-23
Last week's federal Budget included a $1 billion investment in the VET system. It also provided funding for the establishment of Jobs and Skills Australia, a new government agency tasked with bringing together a variety of stakeholders to better identify current, emerging and future skill needs, with the goal of strengthening the nation's workforce planning. For more details here are some great resources and articles, each looking at the Budget from a different point of view.
Spending on Skills and Training is detailed on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
If you want a business focused perspective then this summary from is for you.
HR issues are well covered by the Australian HR Institute.
Feedback from a range of women's groups have been collated in this article from Women's Agenda.
For a deeper dive into what the Budget means for Australia's economic outlook try this article from the Committee for Economic Development Australia.
Other Nimble News Stories:
“No-one held back and no-one left behind”
Gender Equality Insights 2022: The state of inequality in Australia
For careers professionals and young people
The McGowan Government’s Career Taster Program offers students the chance to learn about trades and career opportunities from local industries, through hands-on activities. It's great to see the School of Isolated and Distance Education and the not-for-profit 'Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen Inc. (SALT) running workshops and industry roadshows ensuring schools in regional areas also get to benefit from this great program.
For Employers:
Is a four-day work week the secret to a happy workforce?
Workforce Options for Industry Forum
New reports from Skills Impact
Australia's Environment Ministers show unity on conservation and environmental issues
The states and territories Environment Ministers met recently. Several commitments were made, including to protect and conserve 30% of our landmass and marine areas; to reverse biodiversity loss; to better manage invasive species; to transition from single-use plastics and improve recycling infrastructure, particularly for e-waste and solar panels.
Have your say: Horse Welfare Standards
A few stories of note for growers:
Two upcoming events for educators:
We hope that this has been of some assistance. Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council.