Nimble News 14th March 2022
Last Chance to have your say:
How can the WA Government best meet your industry’s need for skilled workers.
Each year the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development reviews the workforce skills and training needs of industry, with a view to informing priorities for future publicly funded training and migration arrangements. The FFTITC is funded to gather industry intelligence and formulate industry views.
To comment on sector/industry:
To comment on occupations:
If you don’t like filling out surveys, please contact our office on 9361 2800.
We need your views.
$100 million Investment Attraction Fund launched to help drive Diversify WA strategy
New NCVER Report : VET as a re-engagement pathway for early school leavers
For VET providers: Survey “Supporting Students with Disability in VET”
New minimum hourly wage guarantee for pieceworkers - Horticulture Award.
For Parents: Career Conversation Events
FIAL Food Safety Governance Course
2022 State Natural Resource Management funding round open
For teachers: ForestLearning | School and Industry Champion Toolkit
For businesses: WorkSafe WA resources – new WHS laws
Muresk Institute Short Course: Livestock Handling Skill Set
Something a bit different - For teachers – STARportal - a STEM portal of resources and activities
We hope that this has been of some assistance. Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council