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Nimble News 14 June 2023

Wellbeing at Work

A recent article in The Conversation talked about the challenge of discussing mental health in the workplace. So, we thought we’d share some websites providing tools to facilitate these conversations. If you know of any others, please let us know! We will collect them in a future blog (email suggestions to:

Mental health and wellbeing support for businesses focuses on issues affecting business owners and where they can seek support.

Ifarmwell: free online tool kit to help grow farmers’ wellbeing

We love this website from the University of South Australia which has been designed by Australian farmers to help other Australian farmers cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day. It has lots of helpful info including some tip sheets which make great conversation starters.

Consider a Mental Health First Aid course

Several organisations offer short courses for businesses and individuals on recognising the signs of mental health issues and how to offer support. Check out St John WA, Lifeline and MHFA.


Other Nimble News Stories:

Have you used Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality in training & education?

We are researching the integration of VR/AR into training and education and would love to hear from anyone who has experience of using this technology Please email

Have your say: review of WA’s biosecurity law

First two national Jobs and Skills Councils open for business

For educators: Vocational Voices podcast from NCVER

For employers: get set for minimum wage increases and other changes

Claiming work related expenses: occupation and industry specific guides

For employers: Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill

Changes to PALM (Pacific Australia Labour Mobility) scheme

Human Development Report: 2023 Gender Social Norms Index

Carbon Farming workshops from DPIRDS Low Carbon Futures team

Agriculture courses, skill sets and short courses available at Muresk

Something a bit different: Community Planting Day at Leighton Beach

We hope that this has been of some assistance.


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