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Nimble News 14 December 2022

2022 - Year in Review

2022 has been a bit of a challenging year for the Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council (and probably most of our industries as well). It’s ironic that we report to government on skill shortages, and we were facing some as well.

We had long term staff leave us and difficulties in finding people to take their place. Our Industry Consultants have a unique skill set – they need to be very experienced in industry engagement, know a fair bit about the VET industry and a sound level of research and analysis skills. Not a lot of people around that can fit those needs!

So it was about 8 months in total, that we had at least one vacancy!

However, at the time of writing this, I am very pleased to advise that we now have a full staff contingent. We have Julia Fitzgerald, as our Team Support Officer; Tamara Boaden, Industry Consultant for the forestry, furniture and textiles sector, and Diane Smith who looks after agriculture, food production, animal care and horticulture. So we are looking forward to a very productive 2023!!


Other Nimble News Stories:

Announcement Jobs and Skills Councils establishment

Have your say – National VET Reform

Have your say – Perception and Status of VET

Great Resource for small businesses and those thinking of starting one:

Good News for the Australian Manufacturing industry

Good News for the Pilbara Pastoral Sector

Something a bit different - For employers

Recent publication from NCVER

Good News for the Softwood Plantation industry

New announcement:

Webinar: Jobs and Skills Australia: 2023 priorities and impact on TAFE.

Interesting article from Linkedin

New guide: Diversity and Inclusion

For RTO practitioners – TAE Training and Education Training Package

For RTOs

$47 million upgrade for Balga TAFE

We hope that this has been of some assistance. Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council.


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