Review and Develop Qualifications
Vocational Education and Training in Australia is managed through a national system involving the Commonwealth and State/Territory Governments. Nationally recognised qualifications (also called Training Package qualifications) are established following the agreement of the Australian Industry Skills Committee, which includes State/Territory representatives.
Training Packages are sets of nationally endorsed qualifications and units of competency developed for industry. Qualifications specify the skills and knowledge that individuals need to have for specific job roles. There are Training Packages for all industries and most occupations, eg furniture making, food processing, interior design, landscape construction, shearing, agronomist and meat inspection.
How we can help you.....
The FFTITC facilitates and supports WA stakeholder engagement in the national process for the creation and review of national qualifications and units of competence. FFTITC also advises the WA Department of Training and Development on the appropriateness of proposed new qualifications and changes to existing qualifications.
Please contact us for advice and assistance if you:
see an opportunity to improve qualifications or units of competence;
or can’t find a suitable Registered Training Organisation to deliver the training you want.
If you want any assistance or have a question, please don't hesitate to contact us. Phone 08 9361 2800.